Stories of Inspiration

From  Anonymous on 11/8/2012

My parents grew up during the Great Depression. I think that generation invented recycling/reusing out of necessity just to survive. Even decades later when times were better they still never threw anything away that could be reused for something else.....habits that I learned growing up but have to admit I've lapsed on a bit over the years. This blog has reminded me of those lessons learned and helped me realize that while we aren't as yet facing anywhere near the level deprivation people experienced during the Depression era we are now facing several problems on a global scale making recycling/reusing important again. Resources that once seemed infinite are now becoming scarcer and harder to access. It's obvious that at some point the growing population will pass the number that can be supported by the planet. And it's possible that humans are even bringing about climate change. If we recycle/reuse more today and become better stewards of the planet and it's resources maybe we can delay the day that reusing once again becomes the only way to survive. 

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